====== 📚 Books and other readings ====== ====== Books ====== ===== Lists of good books ===== Collected from various sources * [[notebook:books:nonfiction|Non-Fiction]] * [[notebook:books:fiction|Fiction]] * [[notebook:books:computers|Computer Documentation]] * [[http://www.listchallenges.com/rory-gilmore-reading-challenge|The Rory Gilmore challenge]] * [[.:books:lorelai|My copy]] * [[https://sivers.org/book|Interesting books this guy read]] * [[https://jasonevanish.com/bookshelf/|Leadership and other recommendations]] Websites to find books: * http://fivebooks.com/ * [[http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~gadda001/goodtheorist/index.html|How to become a GOOD Theoretical Physicist]] Books to improve mental model: * The selfish gene - for understanding human behavior * How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie * Why Materialism Is Baloney: How True Skeptics Know There Is No Death and Fathom Answers to Life, the Universe and Everything by Bernardo Kastrup * Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - for understanding how to be content * Debt, the first 5,000 years - for understanding money and finance from the ground up * Wright Brothers - for understanding how technological breakthroughs happen * Snowball (Warren Buffet), Andrew Carnegie and Rockefeller biographies - for understanding the mental mindset to win in business (it's not what you think) * Hackers and painters - for understanding startups and how/why they work * Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance - for understanding beauty in the routine * Essentialism, the disciplined pursuit of less and Walden - for understanding how "stuff" gets in the way of happiness * Les Miserables - for understanding love * Goedel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter ===== Books I've read ===== ==== 2017 ==== * //Murder at the Vicarage// (1930), Agatha Christie, 288 pp * //The Magicians// (2009), Lev Grossman, 402 pp * //The Grapes of Wrath// (1939), John Steinbeck, 479 pp * //Life of Pi// (2001), Yann Martel, 460 pp * //2001: A Space Odyssey// (1968), Arthur C. Clarke, 297 pp * //Fight Club// (1996), Chuck Palahniuk, 218 pp * //Flowers for Algernon// (1958), Daniel Keyes, 311 pp * //Unwind// (2007), Neal Shusterman, 335 pp * //The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August// (2014), Claire North, 405 pp * //Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children// (2011), Ransom Riggs, 352 pp * //This is a book// (2011), Demetri Martin, 269 pp * //Dandelion Wine// (1957), Ray Bradbury, 239 pp * //Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions// (1884), Edwin A. Abbott, 96 pp ==== 2016 ==== * //The Lord of Choas// (1994), Robert jordan, 987 pp * //[[https://20years.kde.org/book/|20 Years of KDE]]// (2016), Editor: Lydia Pintscher, 294 pp * //Rendezvous with Rama// (1972), Arthur C. Clarke, 243 pp * //Rama II// (1989), Arthur C. Clarke, 480 pp * //The Garden of Rama// (1991), Arthur C. Clarke, 608 pp * //Rama Revealed// (1993), Arthur C. Clarke, 512 pp * //The Shadow Rising// (1992), Robert Jordan, 981 pp * //The Fires of Heaven// (1993), Robert Jordan, 963 pp * //Ready Player One// (2011), Ernest Cline, 386 pp * //Twenty Thousand leagues under the sea// (1870), Jules Verne, 214 pp * //No Country for Old Men// (2005), Cormac McCarthy, 322 pp * //The Princess Bride// (1973), William Goldman, 465 pp * //The Man in the High Castle// (1962), Philip K. Dick, 239 pp * //The Picture of Dorian Gray// (1890), Oscar Wilde, 254 pp * //The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing// (2011), Marie Kondo, 226 pp ==== 2015 ==== * //The Shepherd's Crown// (2015), Terry Pratchett, 304 pp * //The Dragon Reborn// (1991), Robert Jordan, 675 pp * //The Great Hunt// (1990), Robert Jordan, 681 pp * //The Eye of the World// (1990), Robert Jordan, 782 pp ====== Articles and misc ====== Collection of good articles/internet threads worth reading (maybe save a copy in case it disappears?) ====== Aggregation Sites ====== * [[http://www.daemonology.net/hn-weekly-ask/|Weekly Top 10 Ask HN]]